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Ryan Williams | September 7, 2017

Adaptive Geobodies Part 2 – High Definition Frequency Decomposition Based

Adaptive Geobodies Part 2 – High Definition Frequency Decomposition Based

Ryan Williams on 07 Sep 2017
Ryan Williams


In the previous Geobodies instalment, a geobody was created using a Standard Frequency Decomposition (FD) blend as this technique is useful in identifying subtle changes within a geological feature. In this post, an Adaptive Geobody will be created using a High Definition Frequency Decomposition (HDFD) blend. The matching pursuit techniques used in GeoTeric’s HDFD blending generates frequency decomposition results as close to seismic resolution as possible. This improvement in vertical/temporal resolution is traded off in terms of accuracy of frequency resolution.

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Frequency Decomposition vs High Definition Frequency Decomposition

The benefits of having improved temporal resolution allows for more accurate Gross Rock Volume calculations and subsequently more accurate STOOIP/GIIP calculations. 

By accurately positioning events in the vertical sense and removing the vertical smearing effect that is so commonly associated to frequency decomposition techniques allows for a greater understanding of the geological depositional system.

This is better expressed by the imagery below: 




Using the Geobody Metric function and the STOOIP Calculator in GeoTeric it is possible to get quick volumetric estimates for any Adaptive Geobody.

Advancing Seismic Interpretation With Geoteric 

Frequency Decomposition & RGB Blending, Spectral Decomposition, Blog, Adaptive Interpretation