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Geoteric | July 8, 2022

First Break: Seismic interpretation workflows for sand injectites – examples from the UK North Sea and Faroe-Shetland Basin


In July's edition of First Break magazine, Chris Han, Abdulqadir Cader and Peter Szafian demonstrate Geoteric interpretation workflows for injectites and remobilised sands to 3D seismic data sets from the UK continental shelf.

Subsurface injectites and remobilised sands are complex geo­logical features which present a challenge in terms of seismic imaging, interpretation, and characterisation. Whilst now com­monplace in the North Sea, injectites have been identified in many other geographical regions, yet remain largely ignored as a hydrocarbon play type, therefore have potential for becom­ing future global exploration targets.

In this paper Chris, Abdulqadir and Peter show how Geoteric can improve geological understanding and extraction of these features as geological objects required for progressing projects, leading to shorter project cycles.

Read in full here:


First Break Seismic interpretation worklows for sand injectites


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