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Geoteric | December 10, 2020

AI: Game-Changer in Development or Exploration - or Both?

AI can already be seen as the next big game-changer within seismic interpretation, but who gains the most - exploration, development or both? 

Exploration is seen to benefit as large datasets can be interpreted at a speed and detail unattainable by humans. Development projects are seen to profit as small scale critical details, which may commonly be overlooked are now identified, along with an indication of confidence. The case study examples in this article reveal both perspectives and illustrate interpretational AI cannot be pigeonholed into any single department but crosses these invisible boundaries to ensure that a high level of consistency and accuracy is retained from region to region.  

Click here if you would like to know more about this month's GEO ExPro article.

Geoteric AI: Game-Changer


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