Our latest download draws together insights from geoscientists and academics to show how Geoteric's unique cognitive interpretation methodology enhances the seismic interpretation process.
Our monograph contains an introduction to Cognitive Interpretation by our CEO Jonathan Henderson, which originally featured in GeoExpro. It explains the importance of interpretation in seismic data analysis and how geoscientists can best leverage new advances in technology to make better use of their existing data and, ultimately, provide better analysis to their teams.

Understanding how the mind perceives colour is essential when creating tools that empower geoscientists to interpret data accurately, and these papers cover topics including cognitive cybernetics and striking the balance between manual and automated interpretation.
Found Inside:
Colour Perception & Visual Cognition
Here we focus on the role of colour in seismic interpretation and how visual cognition can be harnessed to improve interpretation. The section includes:
- 'Perception of Visual Information: What are you interpreting from your seismic?', by Dr Barbara Froner, Steve J. Purves, James Lowell, Jonathan Henderson
- 'On the Perception of RGB Multi-Attribute Displays', by Dr Barbara Froner, James Lowell, Steve J. Purves
- 'Visualization, Interpretation and Cognitive Cybernetics', by James Lowell, Jonathan Henderson, Gaynor Paton and Joe Valenti.
Frequency Decomposition, Attribute Analysis & Colour Blending
The second section contains the following papers by industry experts from GeoTeric, Statoil, Centrica, Sasol and Maersk Oil utilising RGB blending to reveal the geology in the data:
- 'Automated delineation of geological elements from 3D seismic data through analysis of multichannel, volumetric spectral decomposition data', by Jonathan Henderson, Steve J. Purves, Chris Leppard
- 'Understanding seismic thin-bed responses using frequency decomposition and RGB blending', by Nicholas J. McArdle, Mark A. Ackers
- 'Forward modelling to understand colour responses in an HDFD
RGB blend around a gas discovery', by Nicholas Cooke, Peter Szafian, Robert Gruenwald, Lothar Schuler - 'The use of geologic expression workflows for basin scale reconnaissance: A case study from the Exmouth Subbasin, North Carnarvon Basin, Northwestern Australia', Nicholas J. McArdle, David Lacopini, Moji A. KunleDare, Gaynor Paton
- 'Visualising geological structure using subtractive colour blending', Steve J. Purves, Helen Basford, Gaynor Paton
Interpreting on Colour Blends
Finally we discuss the topic of interpreting on colour blends; we look at the way it can better harness the geological experience and expertise of the seismic interpreter. It includes the following papers:
- 'Delineation of geological elements from RGB color blending of seismic attribute volumes', by Jonathan Henderson, Gaynor Paton, Steve J. Purves, Chris Leppard
- 'Geological Expression: Data driven–interpreter guided approach to seismic interpretation', by Jonathan Henderson
- 'Finding the balance between automated and manual interpretation', Gaynor Paton
- 'Integrating interpretation expertise and objective data analysis in 3D interpretation', Jonathan Henderson, Gaynor Paton, Mark Ackers, Barbara Froner, James Lowell
The future of seismic interpretation will still rely heavily on the knowledge and experience of the interpreter. No computer can come close to humans in terms of visual cognition. Future success lies in the ability to combine advanced interpretative processing techniques with the power of human visual cognition.