GeoTeric allows seamless connectivity to your existing interpretation platform through GeoTeric’s core Interpret module. The links included with GeoTeric are: Link for Petrel1 and the Link to DecisionSpace2. A Link for Paleoscan3 is available as a separate module.
The GeoTeric link for Petrel* allows data transfer from Petrel into GeoTeric and from GeoTeric into Petrel. It also allows the creation of a new GeoTeric project from a Petrel project.
When using GeoTeric 2017.2.2, Link for Petrel is compatible with Petrel 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017.
You can create a new project directly from Petrel by selecting Start a new project based on Petrel and following the wizard (see image below).
Existing GeoTeric projects can also be linked to Petrel, allowing data transfer in both directions. Even a GeoTeric project that was created from SEGY can be later linked to a Petrel project, as long as the Petrel project you are linking to has a survey with the same grid as your SEGY.
The following data can be transferred from Petrel into GeoTeric:
- Seismic volumes
- Surfaces
- Wells (including checkshots, markers and well-logs)
- Polygons
- Color maps
- Faults
The following data can be transferred from GeoTeric into Petrel:
- Seismic volumes
- Surfaces
- Color blends (See this blog post for more info)
- Polygons
- Color maps
- Faults
When transferring data from GeoTeric into a Petrel project, you will get a choice to select a “Seismic Collection” (or Survey) in your Petrel project. This is where you want to transfer the data to. If you have multiple volumes in the same survey and they have different grids or some are time while some are depth, you will have to ensure the topmost volume in your survey matches with the grid of the GeoTeric volume/blend you are trying to transfer.
The video below illustrates how to transfer data from Petrel into GeoTeric and how to send results from GeoTeric into Petrel.
- Petrel is a trademark of Schlumberger.
- DecisionSpace is a trademark of Landmark.
- Paleoscan is a trademark of Eliis.