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Geoteric | May 5, 2021

Geoteric announces the addition of 3D AI fault fine-tuning to Geoteric Stratum™

NEWCASTLE, UK – 5 May 2021 – Geoteric, a leading geoscience software and services provider, delivers another paradigm shift in seismic interpretation by enhancing Geoteric Stratum™, to allow the user to fine-tune the 3D AI fault interpretation networks.

Geoteric Stratum™ comes with a selection of pre-trained, industry-leading 3D neural networks (foundation networks), which deliver immediate results straight out of the box. However, in some scenarios, these results can be further enhanced by some guidance (fine-tuning) from the user.

Just like the fine-tuning feature already available in Geoteric’s Collaborative AI module, which contains 2D neural networks, the 3D fine-tuning functionality in Geoteric Stratum has an efficient workflow making it effortless for the geoscientist to customise results.

“Geoteric has undertaken the initial training on a number of neural networks, so you don’t need to”, said Nicola Tessen, Geoteric’s Commercialisation Manager.

Adding; “Although our foundation networks produce very high-quality results without any fine-tuning, this functionality allows you, the interpreter, to focus on key features that you see in your dataset.”

In addition, the updated networks can be preserved within Geoteric Stratum, allowing them to be iteratively developed, applied on future datasets, or even shared across global teams.

Geoteric Stratum is available across a range of flexible SaaS plans, allowing companies to choose a plan which best suits their needs.

Learn more - geoteric.com/geotericstratum

About Geoteric

Geoteric is a leading AI geoscience software and services provider to the energy sector, with tools designed to maximise subsurface knowledge. Together with its  best-in-class seismic attribute and interpretation workflows, Geoteric is redefining subsurface understanding by automating labour intensive tasks. Geoteric’s AI technology enables a detailed seismic interpretation, in a fraction of the usual time, with a greater level of fidelity.

Traditionally used by companies in hydrocarbon exploration and production, Geoteric continues to drive efficiency across the subsurface, supporting decision making in all energy projects including carbon capture and storage and wind farm placement, for a safer, cleaner, and more efficient energy system.

For more information, visit Geoteric at geoteric.com, follow us on LinkedIn or contact:

Fiona Ford
Marketing Manager


Data courtesy of Geoscience Australia 


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